Thursday, January 26, 2012

Valentine's Day Gift Guide: Twistbands

I'm back and I come bearing gifts! I'm so sorry for being MIA for a while, "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" :). Anyway, Valentine's Day is coming up! Although it's not necessarily a huge holiday like Christmas, per se, I really believe that it's nice to have a day where you remind your loved ones just how much you love them. And because of this, I'm going to post a Valentine's gift, greeting, anything every day until February 14th. These gifts can be for your friends, family, significant other—you name it. I hope you enjoy!

I saw this gem on Refinery 29 and instantly wanted to buy it for all my girlfriends back East. They're so cute and look adorable on your wrist unlike many other grungy looking hair ties. And perfect for V-Day (are you sold yet??) They come in packs and different colors from Metallic to Neon. And because Refinery 29 is so amazing, they're offering a deal! Check it out.

Photos source: Refinery 29

I'd love to hear what you think along with any fun-loving (pun intended) ideas you have for Valentine's Day gifts!

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